There were a few dreams but they are hard to remember.  I just remember bits and pieces. In this dream I mostly remember becoming partially lucid, I knew it was a dream, but it wasn’t a significant thing. My main priority was to try to make these portals happen. I was trying to walk from one place to another by walking through the wall and ending up somewhere else. There were two major instances that i remember in the dream. 1st was me being in my small town of Firebaugh or something like it, and I needed to get to the other side quickly. I decided to try use a portal. Imagine that there was a portal there to get to someplace else but this was hard to imagine. I decided to try and picture a portal right behind the wall, like the wall had a secret door or compartment hiding the portal. imagined the portal as a small swirly purple mass, like the portals in RPGs. I had to try a couple times but it worked. On the second attempt elsewhere, I had a little girl with me. We were running away from something. I decided to try the portal idea again but just go through the wall instead and in my head think, the wood on the side of the house is an illusion and if i run through it it will take me somewhere else, like in harry potter to get to train to Hogwarts on platform 9 3/4. I kept failing.  I was getting very frustrated and even yelled at the little girl saying,”I know this is a dream, I can feel your dress, I can even see the wrinkles in it but I can’t make myself believe that I can actually go  through this consistently.”  My strategy was to run up to the wall, close my eyes and imagine going through it. When this strategy failed, it felt like I was being caught by a soft wall of rubber and it would bounce me back out. When I was able to go through the portals it was like I went through them and there was darkness and then my surroundings would come back into focus. Near the end of my dream I ended up in this mail room with a character from a TV show. They were trying to figure something out about the international mailing system. Then I heard loud sounds and awoke in my bed and that’s when the sleep paralysis happened.

I was on the bed and I thought I saw a dark shadow figure in the middle of my room. I have very limited movement in sleep paralysis but I kicked my foot a little to see if i could feel something and I did feel some resistance. I wasn’t sure if  I had kicked the entity or it was the sheets stopping my foot. I said “hey” and was able to wavy my arm a little bit. It looked and felt like it waved back, I thought i could see it move its arms and I felt the air rush past my arm as if it had moved it’s arms swiftly by my. As I tried to yell at this thing I said in a shaky voice, “Hey! Get me up!” , as I tried to raise my arm so that it could help me get up or at least force it to try and take some sort of action.  It didn’t move so I yelled again, ” Get me up NOW!”. I was keeping my eyes on it the whole time which was very difficult because they wanted to be kept shut like when you wake up and your eyes are very dry in the morning. Finally I racked up enough courage to try and break out of this paralysis and tried to tackle it. I fully woke up as I sat up and the dark figure disappeared as if the angle of my vision revealed that there was nothing there in the first place.