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Its new years eve and I’m on a balcony with a lot of other people, the floor gives way and people are hurt all over the place some people fell into the cracks made from the balcony split open. I saw this little boy that was around 10 years old and asked him if he was alright. The little boy was paralyzed from fear and can only say “her hand, I need to find her hand” reffering to some little girl he was with so I had to go and look for here but i saw nothing. Some other stuff happened that I cant rememember but it felt like i dreamed that part twice and I rememebred dreaming it the second time.

I dreamed I was Doctor Who and my form was of Serena Williams. I was with two other women who were my companions. We were going to travel through portals and first we traveled to a house and walked into the couples bedroom. When we walked in they seemed confused but not frightened. I think that I was looking through their closet and saw some book on the Minotaur’s labyrinth. We used to portal again and we ended up In this Amazon jungle. We walked through this jungle and it seemed like I had watched this episode of Doctor Who, or at least that there had been an episode in this jungle area before. We met up with these Amazonian women and they didn’t recognize Doctor Who because I was Serena Williams. These Amazons were very hostile towards us and chased us for a  bit where we ended up next to my old elementary school once they stopped chasing us. I looked up at the sky and noticed that the stars looked different. Instead of Stars they seemed to look like shards of light and they were moving towards the west. This seemed like a big deal to me and panicked a bit because this was not normal. I told the girls we need to head where everything was going, it felt like everything was being pulled in that direction and we ran down the street along the school to this house and opened the door to find there was a walkway leading forward with a short metal chain link fence, like at a baseball field, that led further ahead so this door didn’t lead into a house or anything it just lead to the other side of the door so all this was still outside. At this point I was me again. The girls ran as I followed and saw the horizon of the sky and the green grass on either said of this chain link fence walkway and thought I was still dreaming. I saw a group of people like a party a little in the distance where the walkway ended. I realized that this was a dream and nothing could hurt me and I became lucid feeling around me and looking at the sky and the ground. I wanted to see what would happen in the dream so I kept following the girls but at this point they had stopped. I told them to hurry up but they didn’t listen, they were just kind of wandering around as we came up to this picnic event with tables and people walking around. I now that I knew it was a dream I was thinking if i should try to transport myself to go somewhere else but I decided to stay and make out with someone. Not too many great lookers in my dream but I started making out with someone when I felt there was this lump inside my mouth that had suddenly appeared to be growing out of my cheek. it was maybe the size of a quarter, I tried to get it out and clear it from my throat but I had trouble doing so. I didn’t feel like I was choking it just felt weird and gross.

There was also one last dream I remember about my family, something about them making blue cocaine. I didn’t really keep track of that one too well.

Surviving aliens

Dreamed went from normal life to aliens taking over. There I saw this huge space ship outside my window and I turned the tv to the news. They were talking about the aliens taking people or doing something to them. Ray(roommates bro In Law) he came to my house to take me and my family to explain everything. My dad had not yet come home from work so we figured we would go and give him a call to come over there when he was on his way home. It was kind of like an invasion. Lots of survivors trying to get away, but no actual fighting was going on.walking through mall with lots of others, had packed a bag with some clothes. Then we turned into a traveling group, like 6 of us. And took a blind lady with us. There was something about a movie later with Samuel L Jackson. There was a guy who was following me and I said that his name was Alex or another name, I couldn’t remember clearly in the dream which is why I realized it was a dream. I tried to control the dream by making the asphalt move or break but couldn’t. Then I lost my lucidity and the dream continued. It turned into more of a scenario like the movie district 9 the aliens were there but some were assimilated into society but they weren’t always around.
Guy fieri was part of our group but got killed by an alien. Someone in our group choked some small little ball puff looking alien walking down the street. Choking it to death.

Bear paralysis SP

Bear attack lookking up in the woods in a cabin but camping with Aunt Maria. Bear breaks through into cabin through the window me my mom and Sam(niece) inside. Bear ends up coming close to the house and breaking through the window.  luckily the door to the next room has a dead bolt so we run through to the next room and I begin to lock it. As I start to lock it, my hands shaking, my dad comes into the previous room with windows the bear is already breaking through. I hurrily open door and pull him in with us and my fingers barely move on the deadbolt as i try to force it closed being slowed down by fear as the bear is already up against the door and about to try and push through to attack us. I know the dead bolt won’t hold very long and my dad isn’t moving to the next room room. he thinks he is safe now that I locked it. I’m paralyzed with fear I can’t move barely speak. Sam is still next to me. “Run” I yelll at them all I as the bear’s paw is already reaching through the top of the door where he has made a hole. I’m still paralyzed at this point and Hoping my dad gives me a pull to get me moving again since I’m paralyzed at the thought of a bear being inches away from me.
I think i felt myself fall asleep and experienced an episode of sleep paralysis. I was in bed in a house in a room by myself. I saw colors and felt myself go paralyzed because I was so sleepy I couldn’t stay up. I felt like I was freezing-up and could not move I did hear a loud bang and thought I felt like wind or shadows moving around as well as pink and yellow flashing lights for a bit and that’s when I felt a presence in the room.  In my dream I was thinking if it might be some sort of ghost or something haunting the room. In my dream memory I was thinking someone told me there was only one student who killed himself and could be the entity. I realize that I might be doing sleep paralysis so try to keep myself calm. But still still afraid because I know that I might be having sleep paralysis but it doesn’t really occur to me it might be a dream to do a reality check to become lucid. Luckily my sister Lupe walks in and kind of snaps me out of it, she thinks I’m going crazy and doesn’t know whats wrong with me, She sees me as just having had a seizure of some sort and doesn’t know whats wrong.. My sis sees I can barely move and says I can sleep in her house down the way. When I very slowly walk outside i see we are in the woods with lots of cabins around. Apparently I hear people say a bear is coming down the way and I run inside my sisters cabin. I try to find my mom looking out the window as I hear people turn on alarms and motors and even an old lady turned on her leaf blower to keep the bear away and the bear headed for our house. I told my mom we needed to get out of there and that’s where I started that whole bear breaking in the house dream and initially actually physically saw the bear. It was odd experiencing entering a dream more fully aware. Felt awful. And scary. Does that happens in every WILD attempt /experience I wonder.

Lucid Dream: New Control

I had a lucid dream that was freaky vivid. i finally got to experience being able to control my dream. It was the funnest dream I ever had. I think first I was dreaming the Micheal and Jacqui were saying that I should be a superhero because I was in a city that was being continuously attacked by people and me and other people were saving it. I had just finished saving it when another person came over to attack and but it was all in fun now. went back to the base to meet up Micheal and the others and the door was moving up, it was supposed to move but he said, why don’t you try flying. so I did and it worked. when i got through i realized I was in a dream and that i could control it. I made boxes move up and down like it was a huge maze, actually it was the door to the base which was now just a white ball in the one of the squares. I realized I’d better start over and attempt to make something different but I realized how hard that is would be while watching the object so I remember to look around and expect to see blank wall on the other side and I did. I started making patterns and such, then I realized I could make people appear. I tried to wilfully make specific people come and people did come but it wasn’t who I wanted. I kept trying until there were a few people around. I think I felt I was losing control with so many people and I remembered to look at my hands and the wall and details to keep me lucid and in the dream. my pinky was bent all the way back and i had several more fingers than usual. I was outside now and kept trying to change things and I flew, very limited but more than I have ever flown before in my dreams. me and others were chasing a ball jumping and flying around while people were just walking around. Some girl from elementary school was there and she started pestering me and so I turned away from here, closed my eyes and said that she would be gone and she was. it was starting to become night and i started to get a little worried because I was afraid of it turning into a nightmare. I remembered to verbalize it and just say something to make it happen and said “look! It’s about to be morning”, and the sun came back out. I don’t remember the last few bits I just remember really having fun flying for the first time.

Prior to all this I do vaguely remember something about my sister in my old room with my niece just chilling when I returned in there. they didn’t seem to want to move or anything either. (Rude lol) i was just relaxing with them and took off outside after. I actually remember being outside with my older niece and I was trying to reach over a dirt ledge with razor wire at my feet and broken glass across the way when i slipped and fell. the razor wire cut through my toes and my hands were on the glass, i think when it didn’t hurt i realized i had become lucid because i thought that situation was very odd. i feel like i had another dream before this but its a lot to dream about in my only two-hour nap I took.

Dreamed about riding around on a bicycle and some guy arguing with me me and wanted to get in a fight. I of course refused to get involved and got away. There was a girl asking for my help I took her to my home and found out that she and the guy were working together to get into my home. I threw them both out. then I moved out of that place and another couple of people moved In. the moved in people were afraid of their stuff getting stolen by the couple hassling me. We tried to figure out a way to keep it safe. The place literally was just trees some fence and some road railing, the kind you find on curves. At the end of the dream, it led up to me and friends and family at a house in the back yard and that couple wady bugging us. I was yelling at my family to back away from him and leave him to me because I didn’t want them to get the satisfaction of getting my family involved. I was furious at this point and wanted to knock him out. I ended up giving him a heart attack, they both had heart conditions and I think they died. I was squeezing them together or something and that’s when their heart attacks hit. When I was on my bike in the dream I think i went to stores and they may have followed me. Other stuff occurred I can’t remember. I woke up feeling afraid of being so furious and having someone try to disturb me so.

I was with my parents in Mexico, while I was by myself I had to drive my truck on a dirt road a few miles out and it got stolen from me from a fire elemental. Then my parents told me that I had to acknowledge my extended family and go to a wedding event or something but I still had to go get my truck. I didn’t want to go to the event but I had to. Then I ended up taking a plastic bag with a gift to some place where I was supposed to trick an elemental catcher, possibly from chasing after it and getting my truck along with the elemental. I had a bag with a concrete chain I was supposed to fool him into thinking I had a plan but he could tell I was lying. I was telling him I had an idea so we ended up racing to where my truck was. I faced my truck with the elemental inside but don’t remember the outcome. Also remember traveling with people in a car a very long distance in the back seat. There was literally traffic for days and the people in the front seat were trying to make some sort of food. But they needed ingredients. The driver at this point was my dad. He was sleeping and I think I was too, I got up and said I could drive. He got a phone call from someone and was saying how he was driving and he wouldn’t let me drive because I was still groggy and sleepy but I was fine he was the one that was too tired to keep going. Another dream was about being at the jersey shore show. It was different tho, pauly d and vinny were there and I think also Deana. The boys had brought dates over gave them champagne with some sort of new dessert cake thing called a “brake” it was blue and had a rock looking shell, looked like a rock on the outside, and was cake on the inside. You broke it open and apart to eat it. I was looking in the fridge for food. It was huge had lots of stuff including some huge piece of furball or hair the size of a person. A couple of friends may have been in that house too discussing something about their shaving their bikini zone or something. Oh pizziola was there she was working in some tropical place and she was literally getting black, rather her pigmentation on her skin was going from tan to black because of the sun there. Her Friend that was with here was saying the like only 2% of the population there is white everyone else was either very tan or had that literally black,not like someone who is black and they have dark shade of skin, she had the color black on her skin pigmentation wich was normal for people in that area. I want to say it was some place tropical could have been any place I don’t remember. Carmen (a sup at work) was in the car stuck in traffic with me and my dad making something to eat for a party or something I had mentioned earlier.

Subway Kareoke

had a strange dream. first i rememeber driving in a city with sky scrapers with kevin and then he kind of hugs me and tells me to not look back just keep looking forward. i kind of realize i am in the dream somewhere at this point and realize i can make stuff change like instead of being night turn it to day which is what i did before he grabbed me. i glance back and see that there is like an orc like thing chasing us and gaining. he comes up beside the window and i make him change into an old man that i wave good afternoon to. then we go down this subway and as i go down i see a girl on a horse handing me a cup she wants to throw away and i reach for it but dont quite make it. we end up inside this “subway tunnel near the exit turn the corner and there is like a Dj or kareoke party going on. I take the mic and i start to sing something with lyrics i make up. after that point i think i wake up in my bed but i actually “wake up” outside but feel very groggy like i just woke up, i head for the door which is actually the outside of my apt door that has been tagged. a woman answers the door and i start to panic thinking this is my house, there is a woman here, did we get broken into and did they do something to me and leave me outside, did they beat me and did i black out? the feeling of panic was horrible as she told me that she lived there. and then i “dream realize” that she is our neighbor” appologize and i move away and then i wake up.

Diego(used to go to high school with him) going to a graduation with a group. He was heading over to north side of HS staduim was going with him but then headed back with rest of group towards the rest of the regular seats.

Was with 2 other people. I had the keys to a car. Two guys came and beat them up for the keys. I started to run away towards the crowd of people we were at the park with. They were about 100 yards away. I literally had to walk over water. Tried to throw the keys in a small fountain/pool that I walked over but they got stuck in my hand.

Was with my family something about a satellite dish getting fixed in a small tool shed in the back yard of a large house. There was a family party going on. my tio Lupe’s sattelite I think or he was there. Lupita my sister was there too.

A group of people, like 5, traveled to some place, seemed Mexican or Spanish. Maybe not. It was a busy street in the middle of the day. I wanted to check the location and date from an atm across the street because i was thinking that it might be new years, or that it was new years day when this happened and some how we got teleported to this point in time to meet our doppelganger or that this was a normal occurrence, people being teleported to January first so that they had a chance to meet themselves and they would die; meeting your doppelganger means that your going to die very soon. I crossed the street and walked along the road. I never came up to the atm. I stopped somewhere where I got into a box. All I could see was out of the box. A man with claws, like freaddy krugar but not him, stopped in front and I got scared I became lucid closed my eyes and thought “he’s an old man”. He became an old man. I got out of the box, now that I was night time. It felt eerie and I was scared. I closed my eyes and tried and repeated to myself that it was day light and the city was bustling with people but it didn’t happen.

I was sleeping in my bed and I dreamed that Jinkies went to sleep (I think) the back door opened and I saw john Goodman. I thought OK. Then saw a man in black come into my room and threaten me with a knife. It was really scary, I thought about my bat but I don’t know if it was in my dream. He came into my bed with a ski mask and I think he put a knife to me. I was very scared to get hurt. I don’t remember the rest at this time.

Ripping a stuffed bear apart because it did something bad to me. Possibly it was the person who snuck into my house and tried to hurt me or steal something. Felt like I tore him apart outside a trailer, (the outside of our house apt?) not sure if this is connected with previous dream because I thought Rosanne and john Goodman is from that show.

I became even more lucid after some point but I don’t quite remember that. It might have been the city. Not sure.

Memory Cards and Dolphins

Sam (niece)runs into garage after being scared. Me and my dad go to garage where we find a large spider, I think, And also we find the remains of some guy with no eyes, it’s like his skin is dried up and hung up on the wall with nails. I guess me and my Dad were watching my anime Cardcaptor Sakura and when we follow my niece we’re on a pile of crap from garage. Then I watch my show I decided to try to forget the memory by using a clowcard from the show. (Its like a card with a specific magic spell that you can use) I take the card outside and face it away from me and say something that will release the memory of what I saw. Usually the card is supposed to release the a memory into you but since I’m facing the card away from me I see magic glitter come off  of the card and  it goes away in the distance. Next dream all I remember is being in a huge stadium or cruise ship. I think there was a sporting event going on. Most of the place was white. There was a pool I was getting near and I saw delmy (an old boss) in a bathing suit swimming in a pool. All I really remember is her trying to sit down and she sat on a dolphin. Once I got closer to the pool I saw there were sting rays, dolphins and some other creature maybe sea anemones or something cloudy in there too. I was afraid of falling in and getting hurt by the stingrays. Maybe sharks in there too.

Double Snake Bites

I had George(distant cousin from mexico now in texas) try and kill me to get me to do something with my email. To have Money wired to him but I got him outside and with help of the neighbors able to wrestle him down and get him to the police  I dreamed I joined school again . I think it I was taking classes at the fire department we were building some little tree house type thing. As we were building, we came across a black snake. I got bit once and I was scared, actually I think it might have been at a grocery store. When I was running Back to my house I got bit again by a different snake. I had ran past the front door to jump the fence to get to the back yard, thats where the second snake bit me, before I jumped over. When I was home I called 911 and told them. They said they would be coming. I had to wait and I found out there was a snake in the fridge too. We would still use the fridge Samantha(my niece) was there and my dad actually was playing with it. He wanted something in the fridge and had the snake bite something, got him by the back of the neck and started petting it all silly and exaggerated. We were all watching tv now and I told my mom that I would not go to school the next day because of my two bites on my arm and hand my mom gave me that look like “your going to miss school for that?”.  when i first got home I had stayed outside  in the back yard for a bit and kept getting close to snakes without noticing. Others would show me and say look. And I would jump and quickly move away.